Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Experiencing GOD?

February 24th, 2014

I was driving home and thinking about my LIFE and the PURPOSE of what God has for me in life. I was listening to Phil Collins song, "In The Air Tonight" .... and his song really spoke to me and the chorus is what really stood out "... And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord

I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord

I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord

And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord". 

I really felt God speak through the lyrics ... letting me know that HE'S in control and that we are to LET GO, AND LET GOD :) .... and IN HIS TIMING ... One, of MANY things God has taught me about timing is PATIENCE ... something we could ALL use more of ... lol

Over the last 15+ years I've seen and experienced some AMAZING things. Whether it was through Life's TRIALS or feeling God's presence by the GUIDANCE of His Holy Spirit, which sometimes was SUPERNATURAL for me ... I've learnt that ALL we have to do is put our ear to the ground, and listen, if we do that God will begin to SPEAK to us. 


Thursday, June 10, 2010

the SEED of eternal

my epiphany from last night...

From my last posting 'the death of eternal' on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 I realized yesterday that is was NEVER the death of Eternal but instead ETERNAL was a SEED plant for something much greater to come. God is always teaching us and as we go through life He wants us to experience life at its fullest. All sacrifices are for the advancement of His Kingdom but also when we begin to take these steps of Faith, only then will we begin to understand THE FAITH LIFE! Eternal was a huge step of faith in my life and knowing what I know now its only part of 'The Plan'

to be continued...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

mobile wrx coming soon...

When I closed the doors of Eternal Book Music 3 years ago I thought about reducing the overhead by creating a mobile division of Eternal and calling it Eternal Mobile...

fast forward present day...

I see a door opening for a new business venture in the mobile industry but on a much larger scale then Eternal

God works in miraculous ways!

Monday, October 5, 2009

new life in heaven - andrea's memorial

I want to welcome you all to Andrea's memorial. Instead of being sorrowful I want you to rejoice with me in the celebration of her new life with her heavenly Daddy. Andrea would not want this memorial to be about her as she hated being in the spotlight but I'm going to go against her wishes and make it all about her. Andrea was a trooper! The way she carried herself through this disease was the most amazing experience for me. Andrea was a wife, a lover, a mother and the most interesting person I ever met.

Even though Andrea and I never had any children she was wonderful with kids. From nieces and nephews to teaching children in her Montessori years and being a camp counselor at Circle Square Ranch for kids, Andrea loved being around children. Two things she loved... besides Jesus and I, children and animals. Any stray cat or dog running free she would make me stop the car and try and catch it and find its owner. Because if I didn't find its owner I'd risk having more animals then I wanted. I remember a couple of times I would tell her that I saw the owner of the animal when actually it was just an person on a walk having nothing to do with the animal. I think Andrea sometimes loved animals more than people.

Prior to the last few years and going back to Canada I describe Andrea as a very strong woman of God and prayer warrior. I learned many things in my Christian walk and how God used Andrea to help develop me into the person I am today, says alot about Andrea. I really believe Andrea's purpose was to get me where God wanted me to be today.

In the thirteen years we were married the first eight were as a husband and wife. What we accomplished during that time could be a lifetime for many. We enjoyed many things together such as traveling, playing golf and tennis, going to the movies, eating out and just enjoying life. During those years Andrea's health was mostly fatigue issues as she led a pretty normal life physically. Andrea wanted me to be the best that I could be and accomplish all that God had planned for me. Andrea insisted on excellence and wanted to make sure she was honoring God at the same time with her own life. Andrea would always place herself in other peoples shoes as she was a very empathetic person. She wanted everyone to feel accepted so she would do whatever she could to help the situation.

The last five years of our marriage Andrea's health changed dramatically and I felt at that time God used me to care for Andrea as a daddy or husband would care for their daughter or wife. As is said in our wedding vows, "
through sickness and in health till death do us part" we wanted to make sure we honored our marriage before God. At times I felt Andrea was born as an adult and went out as a child. I want to thank God for allowing me to take care of His daughter during her stay with us. We are all blessed to have known her and thank God for the lessons she taught us.

Andrea, I am blessed to have been part of your life as a friend, companion and husband. It was my privilege to take care of you during our time together and thank you for saying yes when I proposed to you October 25th, 1997. You are in God's hands now and are enjoying the most amazing part of our journey... ETERNAL LIFE. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you again soon.

your husband always Andrew

Monday, October 6, 2008

your vision will determine your growth

Psalm 34 (The Message)
The timing of this message was one of those God only coincidence perfect timing messages and it was texted to me on the eve of the landlord's demands. Andrea and I have been facing many challenges and tests and God is wanting us to pass these tests by trusting in Him..... what's that saying "perseverance pays off". This is where our faith is put to the test!

An epiphany God had revealed to me about the future of Eternal
Habakkuk 2:2-3 (The Message)

Proverbs 29:18 (The Message)
18 If people can't see what God is doing,
they stumble all over themselves;
But when they attend to what he reveals,
they are most blessed.

Faithfulness is not determined by the amount entrusted but by the character who uses it
Luke 16:10 (The Message)

The latest Message delivered in person by the Master
Hebrews 2:1-2 (The Message)

Celebrate God all day, every day
Philippians 4:4-9 (The Message)

Be strong and courageous
Joshua 1:8-9 (New International Version)

You're not in the driver's seat; I am - God
Matthew 16:26 (The Message)

The Vine and the Branches
John 15:1-8 (The Message)

God's Firm Grip
Isaiah 41:10-13 (The Message)

The future you hope for
Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

What is unseen is eternal
2 Corinthians 4:18 (New International Version)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

word to spirit

my journey started as a WORD christian and seeking God in his fullest He has led me to a SPIRIT-filled christian life that has opened my eyes. This journey started five years ago and in the last year God has shown me a whole new realm especially in the supernatural. Andrea WILL be healed!

to be continued...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

my testimony

I'm 38 years old and I have been going through life thinking my testimony was one thing when in fact it was another. I feel as though the enemy tried to steal my joy the day I received Christ as my Savior. I've been sharing that I became a Christian when I was 12 years old and that I accepted Christ as my Savior at a Christian camp run through my church growing up. I guess it was all a blur especially when your 9. Here's the real testimony...

I was 9 years old and I was experiencing stomach cramps. A family friend who happened to be a doctor was visiting at our house checked me out and thought it was just perhaps something I ate and not to worry about it.

A month later I woke up one morning and again was experiencing stomach cramps. This time I told my Mom and she decided to take me to the doctor's office. Right before we were about to leave I had thrown up and my Mom asked if I still wanted to go, I said yes!

Dr. Medlicot felt my stomach looking for an inflamed appendix. Dr. Medlicot right away said that I need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. My Mom then took me to the hospital into Emergency and the doctors were there waiting for my arrival. My Mom had to leave to take care of the rest of the kids (four brothers and sisters) as they were coming home for lunch.

There I was all alone laying on a hospital bed not knowing anyone who was there with me. The doctors right away checked me out and decided quickly that they needed to operate. As an eleven your old kid I was afraid because of this procedure and the necessity to operate right away. The severity of appendicitis back in 1978 was not taken lightly. Apparently my appendix was hidden behind some other organs and that is why it was not detected a month earlier. The doctors knew they had to operate right away before my appendix burst. I found out later that if I had waited the appendix would have burst and filled my stomach with toxins and that I may have died at that point because of the lack of knowledge in the medical field at that time.

While laying in the hospital all alone that's when I made one of the biggest decisions of my life, I was going to accept Jesus as my Savior. I then prayed the sinners prayer and accepted Jesus into my heart and asked Jesus to protect me while the doctors were getting ready to operate and to help me to not be afraid.

The next thing I knew I was waking up with my Mom standing next to me and a big smile on my face. She asked me "were you not afraid, and why the big smile on your face", I then told her that I accepted Jesus as my Savior and He said everything was going to be alright and that was why I was happy. Even while I was in the hospital my recovery was very quick because the next day I was ordering a big roast beef lunch... even though it was hospital food I certainly didn't loose my appetite.

As I've been seeking God in Andrea's healing I then realized that Jesus healed me that day of Appendicitis... WOW!